Saturday, December 31, 2011

13. The 13 Steps of a 'SZ Co-pilot' Enthusiast are Contained Herein:

for navigation of blogspot:
Site Map to "two page site" is located at right below "Feedjit:" 
"Older posts" link is at bottom right of 1st page: ☟☞

Within " " is contained the thirteen steps of the "B.B. Shirley roadside service" for schizophrenia as manifest in JSB:

"My 2012 New Year's Resolution is to enjoy food more."  (My backup resolution is to learn how to clean the toilet in my home like a professional would so that my lady friend is in the "State of Bhutan" in the 17th Century when she is preoccupied.  Are there books on that!?):

Publishers Weekly, 1995-01-02:
The Urban Peasant, a popular TV series broadcast on the Discovery Channel and originating in Toronto, features the somewhat grizzled, 70-something, still fun-loving and flirtatious Barber (Fear of Frying). Here are the top 220 recipes culled from that show for home chefs. Barber can't resist adding his own folksy humor to the recipe prefaces. For example, a long history of a woman named Louise and her pig farm precedes a rather straightforward recipe for pan-seared pork tenderloins with red currant sauce. Or consider this paean before a beef section: ``Back in the old days, when men was men, Miss Daisy sure knew how to cook, but it was Jake and Jedd who rounded up the herd.'' Beans are described as ``a good plain cuddle.'' If you can stomach the whimsy, you'll be rewarded by the recipes. They call on the melting pot of countries and cultures that is contemporary Toronto. A section on snacks, for instance, includes a cereal-snack blend infused with Indian spices, empanadas and crab with an Oriental dipping sauce. The book's goal seems to be to jolly along all those recalcitrant, fast-food snacking, TV-watching couch potatoes into entering the kitchen with a bag of fresh groceries and the desire to cook, opening their minds, as well as their mouths. (Feb.) (c) Copyright PWxyz, LLC. All rights reserved

_RACHEL_ (the twelfth step)

Friday, December 30, 2011

11. "It takes two to Tango!"

When I embarked upon the path that led to the story told here: Mentally Ill Prophecy, (on or about February 23, 1993); I had no idea what would be in store for me.  February 23, 1993 - January 3, 2012 for me was about regaining my voice.

Whereas I was at one time an asshole youth (given that opinions are like assholes: everybody has one), now being an asshole is all a part of manly essence, the which in turn led to this blog: Quixophasia, with predated material published on the blog from my time in Bellingham, WA and my time in Visualizing Ballard: June 1994 - June 1996.

Time passed.

For the year of the Water Dragon 2012, my resolution is to "enjoy food more:" the which is also my "dying wish," trumping any former dying wishes of mine.  The conclusion of the delusion that I experienced is contained within: "The Peasant James Version."

"I went to a masseuse once and at the end of 60 minutes, he said that all the stress was in my head.  Yet, I noted to myself that he failed to massage my head during the session."

10. News from the Rialto:

I was asked to provide "a date and time."  I honored that request.  A resolution followed.  It is past 5:05PM EST and I am still alive.  

The post office will be there on Tuesday.  Thank you for your kind concerns, Jimmy

P.S. I take you all at your word.  I expect the same from you all about my word in spite of schizophrenia and ALL THAT it entails!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

9. Written December 27th, 2011

Written December 27th, 2011 in pencil on paper and sent to the Buckley School January 3, 2012 (pending):

Dear Alumni Office at the Buckley School:

Please accept my sincere apologies for VILE behavior on my behalf, JSB (spelled out), along with a meager donation of 20.00$ (postal money order) "made out" to the Buckley School, 113 E. 73 St., NYC.  And, I want to thank ALL the teachers at the Buckley School during my time there as a graduate: 1989.

I have found that the tools I learned at the Buckley School, as well as previous education overseas prior to entering Buckley in the 4th grade, have proven to be invaluable.  Thank you,


signed: JSB 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

8. Is this true about spam? < chewing_gum_tester > 12/25 12:39:45

If you go into the spam folder and click a heading to a spam email (unless it is not spam, in fact): would the spammers be able to 'proxy a way' to bypass your spam folder back into your mainbox, requiring a check to the icon box at left of heading and clicking 'sendto spam folder;' yet again?

Can the administrator of a site (rogue or otherwise) detect my "mouse over" without my "clicking" on any given link? Further, does it seem feasible that "'sensory' pixelated coordinates" [image mapping] of a Web page could detect the location of a mouse cursor (arrow) on a "page" or within an Intranet on a monitor, or am I ahead of my times?

Answer: I am not ahead of my times.


Sunday, December 25, 2011

4. Cremation:

If I (me), JSB, were to die or suddenly take ill: would like my chances of survival rate at 50/50, diagnosed by a doctor and verified with a family member or close friend to JSB.  If 'at 49% survival diagnostics: no life support.'  If at 51% survival diagnostics, ...

Further: if I were to die unexpectedly, or, for whatever cause, I suppose that I can claim all my water sport gear as my property during my lifetime (including two windsurf boards, four windsurf sails, two masts, two booms, a yellow sit-on-top kayak, a green Old Town kayak) and any water sport gear in my vicinity and I bequeath it all to the property of Jason Cabana's newborn due February - April, 2012.

Lastly: if I do indeed "own" two Kruger Rands deposited in a bank by my mother, I would like one Kruger Rand to be given/handed to "Charlie" Barnes and the other Kruger Rand to be deposited in a bank for Harry Barnes.

In conclusion: any other "effects" deemed the "Property" of James S. Barnes (me), I desire that it or those things (no matter what they may be) be secured with Jessica Jolly for use by Sarah Jolly.

Thank you for respecting my wishes,

signed: James S. Barnes, January 20, 2012

3. Meet Kitty!

Kitty is crazy.  He is currently residing at the JSB home for lost and abandoned cats, except that kitty (aka: 'Ralphie' at the Kitty pound) lives with me.  Cured of worms from a pound, I nurtured HIM, fed him and subsequently figured that if I take care of Kitty twice as hard as the good folk at the local Rite Aid do their kitties by cleaning up litter 1x or 2x/day: as opposed to once every 2 days, everything will be fine.  Kitty gets one day pass per year to go to the Vet for his shots.  
("Dr. Patch" is in residence):

2. "Doggie heaven"

"Russ, the Buddha dog" (successively), will become leader of the pack in doggie Heaven, side-kicked by "Patch, the dog," who will be a kind of fool in dog court. Russ went from +1 to –1 and back to +1 again.  "Trust, the dog" is "Merlin."  ALL dogs go to doggie Heaven!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Step 1. Polymorphosis:

Polymorphosis - KJV Adaptation

1. In the end, Man created the times and the square.

2. And the square was with edifices, and replete; and neon was upon the façade of the
city. And the Currencies of Man tarried upon the façade of the society.

3. And Man said, Let there be blackouts: and there were blackouts.

4. And Man saw the blackouts, that it was evil: and Man multiplied the blackouts from the neon.

5. And Man called the blackouts Blackouts, and the neon he called Rights. And the electricity and the cocktail were the last right.

6. And Man said, Let there be a network in the midst of the societies, and let it multiply the societies from the society.

7. And Man made the network, and multiplied the societies which were over the network from the society which was the underbelly society: and it was so.

8. And Man called the network Times. And the electricity and the cocktail were the cardinal Right.

9. And Man said, Let the societies over the times be scattered individually into many thoughts, and let the wet-brains disappear: and it was so.

10. And Man called the wet-brains Square(s); and the individual scattering of the societies called he Seers: and Man saw that it was evil.

11. And Man said, Let the square spring forth liquor, the dealer-wielding-weed, and the nut-cases wielding craziness after their differences, whose weed is out of others, under the square: and it was so.

12. And the square sprung forth weed, and dealer-wielding-weed after their differences, and the nut-cases wielding craziness, whose weed was out of others, after their differences: and Man saw that it was evil.

13. And the electricity and the cocktail were the cardinal Right.

14. And Man said, Let there be blackouts in the network of the times to multiply the blackouts from the neon; and let them be for misnomers, and for illogic, and for right, and forgettable:

15. And let them be for blackouts in the network of the times to give blackouts upon the square: and it was so.

16. And Man made two puny blackouts; the puniest blackout to submit to the rights, and the greater blackout to submit to the neon: he made the nook & cranny also.

17. And Man set them in the network of the times to give blackouts upon the square,

18. And to submit under the blackouts and under the rights, and to roll the blackouts with the neon: and Man saw that it was evil.

19. And the electricity and the cocktail were the cardinal Right.

20. And Man said, Let the societies spring forth sparingly the still culture that hath death, and miserly that may bury under the square in the closed network of times.

21. And Man created puny sperms, and every deathly culture that tarries, which the societies sprung forth grudgingly, after their differences, and every binged miser after their differences: and Man saw that it was evil.

22. And Man cursed us, saying, Be crazy, and divide, and empty the society out of the seers, and let misers divide out of the square.

23. And the electricity and the cocktail were the cardinal Right.

24. And Man said, Let the square spring forth the dead culture after their differences, glitterati, and striding person, and urchins of the square after their differences: and it was so.

25. And Man made the urchins of the square after their differences, and glitterati after his differences, and every person that strides upon the square after their differences: and Man saw that it was evil.

26. And Man said, Let us forsake woman in your porno, before your differences: and let them have submission under the semen of the seer, and under the miserly of the grime, and under the glitterati and under all of the square, and under every striding person that strides upon the square.

27. So Man created woman out of other porno, out of the porn of woman created he her; hermaphrodites created he them.

28. And Man cursed them, and Man said to them, Be crazy, and divide, and empty the square, and fuck it: and have submission under the semen of the seer, and under the miserly of the grime and under every 'quick & dead' person that tarries upon the square.

29. And Man said, Behold, you-have-withheld-me-no-dealer-bearing-weed, which is under the façade of all the square, and no case, in the which is the craziness of a nut wielding weed; to you it shall be for vomit.

30. And to no urchin of the square, and to no miser of the grime, and to no person that strides under the square, wherein there is death, you have taken no kind weed for alms: and it was so.

31. And Man saw no person that he had created, and, behold, it was evil. And the electricity and the cocktail were the cardinal Right.
Polymorph is a mage spell that transforms the enemy into a critter, removing it from combat.
The Number of the Beast (Iron Maiden Live at Ullevi, Sweden):
CL discussion posted by myself: