Wednesday, December 28, 2011

9. Written December 27th, 2011

Written December 27th, 2011 in pencil on paper and sent to the Buckley School January 3, 2012 (pending):

Dear Alumni Office at the Buckley School:

Please accept my sincere apologies for VILE behavior on my behalf, JSB (spelled out), along with a meager donation of 20.00$ (postal money order) "made out" to the Buckley School, 113 E. 73 St., NYC.  And, I want to thank ALL the teachers at the Buckley School during my time there as a graduate: 1989.

I have found that the tools I learned at the Buckley School, as well as previous education overseas prior to entering Buckley in the 4th grade, have proven to be invaluable.  Thank you,


signed: JSB 

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