Sunday, December 25, 2011

4. Cremation:

If I (me), JSB, were to die or suddenly take ill: would like my chances of survival rate at 50/50, diagnosed by a doctor and verified with a family member or close friend to JSB.  If 'at 49% survival diagnostics: no life support.'  If at 51% survival diagnostics, ...

Further: if I were to die unexpectedly, or, for whatever cause, I suppose that I can claim all my water sport gear as my property during my lifetime (including two windsurf boards, four windsurf sails, two masts, two booms, a yellow sit-on-top kayak, a green Old Town kayak) and any water sport gear in my vicinity and I bequeath it all to the property of Jason Cabana's newborn due February - April, 2012.

Lastly: if I do indeed "own" two Kruger Rands deposited in a bank by my mother, I would like one Kruger Rand to be given/handed to "Charlie" Barnes and the other Kruger Rand to be deposited in a bank for Harry Barnes.

In conclusion: any other "effects" deemed the "Property" of James S. Barnes (me), I desire that it or those things (no matter what they may be) be secured with Jessica Jolly for use by Sarah Jolly.

Thank you for respecting my wishes,

signed: James S. Barnes, January 20, 2012

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