Tuesday, December 27, 2011

8. Is this true about spam? < chewing_gum_tester > 12/25 12:39:45

If you go into the spam folder and click a heading to a spam email (unless it is not spam, in fact): would the spammers be able to 'proxy a way' to bypass your spam folder back into your mainbox, requiring a check to the icon box at left of heading and clicking 'sendto spam folder;' yet again?

Can the administrator of a site (rogue or otherwise) detect my "mouse over" without my "clicking" on any given link? Further, does it seem feasible that "'sensory' pixelated coordinates" [image mapping] of a Web page could detect the location of a mouse cursor (arrow) on a "page" or within an Intranet on a monitor, or am I ahead of my times?

Answer: I am not ahead of my times.

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